Mangosteens For Under $80!

Ahh, those were the days when elections were ‘nice’.

Ahh, those were the days when elections were ‘nice’.

One of the biggest disappointments of web browsing is finding a site who’s content is right up one’s alley, the design is fantastic, the whole approach and tone of the site is very exciting only to find it hasn’t been tended to for months, even years. To be quite frank, that’s the condition of my other two sites and You see, I’m just as guilty as the next starry-eyed website owner who starts up a website up and then abandons it once ‘life gets in the way’.

This time may be different, I certainly hope it is. I’ve been posting regularly, every weekend since late May, 2021; but last week ‘life got in the way’. Well, all that comes to a stop today!

This post is going to be a check-in of sorts along with some news on the music front.

Regarding my goal of meditating, exercising and working on music (MEM) every day for two hours a day has gone the way of the dodo. The exercise part suffered the most - haven’t walked or played drums for 10 days. Meditation lasted a bit longer, I made a point of putting in even short sessions just to keep the ‘transformed mind’ in place. But that went by the wayside about three days ago. Working on my music has been sporadic at best, but I do have a song almost completed and I hope to be premiering it next weekend!

So two things about all that - 1) I am recommitting to the MEM system everyday, but 2) will lower the time spent MEMing on weekdays to 1 hour and then back to 2 hours on the weekend and days off.

The whole point of this is to preserve a sense of purpose and calm when school starts up, which brings me to my next check-in: do I feel rested and ready for school? And the answer is: ummmm, yeah!? We’ll see…

Of note, I’m in the process of getting my body used to going to bed early (around 10pm). Only thing is, since I’ve had days off while going to bed early, I end up sleeping in till 8-9am which is not the kind of ‘early’ I’m looking to achieve which is 5:30-6am. If anything I’m storing up on rest, if you believe in such things, and should have the gumption to get up bright and early when school starts. BTW, school starts this coming Friday, September 10. It’s a half day (ends at 1pm) and then we have the weekend off. Talk about a soft landing for the start of the year! To boot, we have off the next Wednesday! “I’ll have my breakfast on the veranda, James, please tell the children that you will be taking them to their Polo practice today. I just can’t be bothered…”

Now that I’ve bored you to death with my personal blathering, I’d really like to know what coping skills you have to help remain rested and calm during stressful times. Just drop a note in the comments.

Oh, on the music front - ever since I got back from the hospital I’ve been working on a song about my experience of being enfeebled. I initially worked on it as a 80’s techno, Emo “I feel sorry for myself” tune but it didn’t really get anywhere. I finished the words, let it sit for a week or two and then started it up as a straight ahead rock tune - drums, bass, guitar, organ and it feels pretty good. The song is called ‘Struck Down’ and I’m putting the finishing touches on it this week. I’ll have at least a rough mix for you all to hear next weekend!

Juicy Ice Cream!

Juicy Ice Cream!

In a completely unrelated topic, I’ve found a website that allows you to have delivered to your doorstep Asian foods, ala H-Mart. It’s called (yes, three ‘e’s). What I’m really excited about is I’ve found Mangosteens! Ever since I saw them on ‘Somebody Feed Phil” on Netflix, I’ve longed to taste their “juicy ice cream” flavor. You’ve been able to get 2lbs for around $80+ on Amazon, etc… but SayWeee had them for $18 for 2lbs. We’ll see if my house gets infested with fruit flies or what-not when I get them this week. A web search told me that they have to be irradiated to be sold in the US, hence killing the flies ( and perhaps altering my DNA), we’ll see, won’t we?

That’s about it for now. Please let me know about any life-style commitments you might have and also feel free to let me know about your favorite Asian Market delights. I’ll be checking in with y’all next week and remember, I will have a new song for you to enjoy!



Rob Houghton

Musician since I beat up my mother's Better Homes and Gardens magazines with a pair of old drumsticks. Teacher since I learned something well enough to show someone else. Now: Teach High School in Oakland, NJ. - father of three.

Struck Down


Spinning Plates